09 September 2021

Jordan: Thursday, September 9

 After breakfast we walked back to our Airbnb in Uum Sayhoun,  two miles mostly uphill.  Then we drove along the King’s Highway to Kerak where we spent the night. King’s Highway is considerably slower than either the Desert Highway on the east side or the Dead Sea Highway on the west side. The crew was tired of walking so we skipped out on Shobak Castle and another hike in a valley in Dana Nature Preserve and chose the longer, more interesting road.  

From Wikipedia
The King’s Highway was a trade route of vital importance in the ancient Near East, connecting Africa with Mesopotamia. It ran from Egypt across the Sinai Peninsula to Aqaba, then turned northward across Transjordan, to Damascus and the Euphrates River.
 The King's Highway is alluded to in the Book of Genesis (Chapter 14)...

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