08 January 2019

Tuesday, 8 January 2019: Oil Rig Tour, Avery Island: Tabasco Sauce Tour and Garden Drive/Walk

Got a tour of the yard before we left:
They have chickens, quail, and rabbits, 6 quail eggs = 1 chicken eggs, but they start laying much, much sooner.  

STOP 1: Beach/ Birding Walk: Lake End Park, Morgan City

STOP 2: Oil Rig Tour: Mr Charlie in Morgan City--one of the most interesting tours we've ever done led by someone who worked in the field most of his life.
The rig has been docked for decades but originally was the first offshore rig

View from the rig

Used for dropping pipes into the water

Device for getting onto the rig from a boat in the water

Looking down, down, down, down

The refinery

STOP 3: Avery Island: Tabasco Sauce Tour

STOP 4: Jungle Gardens on Avery Island:

1 comment:

Marilee said...

I love the moss on the trees... a beautiful green!