19 April 2018

Thursday, April 19: Burgneustadt Alt Stadt

Thursday: Annemarie and I left at 8:30 in the morning  picked Regina up, and went up into the hills over Bergneustadt. There were great views the entire way, but the highlight was climbing 156 steps up a fire tower in Zum Knollen where we could see Bergneustadt, the Bibelschule (Wiedenest Forum), and Wiedenest stadt.

On the way back we stopped in Liebershausen to walk through the "Bunte Kerke", the colorful church, built in the 12th century. ​Colorful medieval frescoes were covered over for 300 years following the reformation and restored back to the original beginning in the early 1900s.

We also stopped at the farm where Ama's brother Tony had worked. Although it had horses and donkeys, it primarily was an egg production factory with hundreds and hundreds of chickens.

After that we went back to Regina’s for lunch, pizza. Then I walked back to the Bibelschule for our mittagspause​, the afternoon rest​.
​In the late afternoon ​Regina picked me up and took me to the old part of Bergneustadt, dating to the 11th century. We toured the Heimat Museum, a local history museum, housed in a half-timbered house in the Old Town area. It was full of ancient artifacts from the area and very interesting. 

The blacksmiths started working at 6, so while we were waiting, we walked to a second-had store at the bottom of the hill where I bought a skirt and blouse. Then we walked back up and watched the blacksmith. I was given a roasting stick because I talked to them in German.

​After that we had supper at Regina​'​s and ​I ​walked back to the ​Bi​belschule​.​

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