12 February 2018

Sunday, Feb 11: Church

Today was a dry hot day, reaching 90 degrees--dry meaning no rain; there was still lots of humidity. We went to San Ignaceo at noon and ate lunch at the new Indian restaurant.  Then we came back to the Parrot Nest and went tubing.  The water had gone down significantly but was still higher than the previous time I had gone tubing and much higher than the river normally is--close to the top of the second bank. I got stuck in the becalmed water between the two sets of rapids, and back paddling while in the inner tube was getting me nowhere, so I finally turned over and swam out. Getting out was also interesting because of the fallen tree right by where we needed to get out.  We ran into the tree to stop us and then clambered over and under the branches and scrambled up on shore. It was great fun! 

At five PM I met Manuella outside her home, and we walked to church. The church was conducted all in Spanish, but I recognized the tune from one or two of the songs. I also learned a few Spanish words. I enjoyed it despite not knowing the language.

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