05 February 2018

Monday, February 5, 2018: Mountain Pine Ridge Road

Since we had a 4 wheeled car, we decided to go up to Mountain Pine Ridge Forest Preserve. The roads were poor to decent once we turned off the main road at Santa Elena. Only once did we need to put it in 4 wheel drive. But when we turned onto the road towards the 1000 Foot Falls, it became worse and worse. The road was thick mud with deep ruts filled with water, and on a steep incline. Finally after it became apparent that the ruts in the road were deeper than the ground clearance of our car, we turned around. The view was beautiful--mountains and pine trees.

Our Muddy Car
Walkway into a Gift Shop
On the way back we stopped at a roadside cafe and got burritos. 

Then we went back and hung around the camp, getting ready to leave the next morning.

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