In the morning Regina took us to visit Onkel Karl and Tante Friedl.

Onkel Karl is Ama's twin brother. Then we went back to theBibel Schule and looked around. We went inside the Wiedenest Church which had been pastored by generations of Trommershausen, vorebears of Ama's father's mother. On the door is a huge brass relief of the apocolypse in Revelation. On In the afternoon we looked at old pictures. Regina had a postcard of Wiedenest from 1919 of the two buildings belonging to the Bible school--it has multiplied many times over since then. We also went for a walk in the woods under the train bridge. Usche came for tea. We visited Onkel Karl and Tante Friedl one more time and then went back to Düsseldorf with Usche.
The view from Regina's balcony.
Johannes Warns' writing desk which has come down to granddaughter Regina.
Map of the Bible school in 2012
Postcard from Wiedenest in 191

9 with the two original bible school houses circled.
One of the original Bible school houses. The top level was added in 1920.

The dormitories right next to the house where Ama grew up.
This is Erich Sauer's house across the street from Ama's house which was a bookstore for a while.
Wiedenest Lutheran Church

Door with Apocalypse


Offering box in foyer

Old house right next to Kirche
The woods.

The house where Ama moved after her dad died in 1937.
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