We took the train to Bergneustadt where we looked around the city a little and ate lunch. Then we called Regina who came and picked us up. We did discover that we could have taken a bus either to Wiedenest or to the Bibel Schule. Regina had just retired from the Bibel Schule and had moved to Wiedenest. She has a nice flat on the upper level of a home complete with a balcony and a great view. 
Regina inherited this writing desk from her grandfather; it originally came from Fraulein von Blucher.
After tea we went for a walk even though it looked like rain, but the rain cleared up when we started out.
We went to the Bibel Schule in the afternoon where we viewed the new building, the curved white building . The picture of the founders had been moved to this area and a new picture of Fraulein von Blucher had been added. The last 3 pictures are of Johannes Warns (Ama's dad), Christoph Kohler (Ama's grandfather) and Erich Sauer (Ama's uncle). We slept at the Bibel Schule dormitory that night.
We also walked past the house where Ama was born and past the house across the street where Ama's family moved after her dad died. The garden is considerably smaller, but the garden house is still there.
We also walked past the abandoned train track which Ama had taken to school and back into the forest.
And through the cemetery where we looked at the graves of all the relatives.
Next we went into the Wiedenest Church which had been pastored by generations of Trommershausens. (Ama's paternal grandmother's family name)
And a trip to Wiedenest is not complete without a visit to the quelle and a reminder of the proverb: Whoever drinks from the well will return again.
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