13 September 2021

Monday, September 13: Ajloun Castle, Gadara, Quisera

After we left the hotsprings we drove north to Ajloun Castle built by Saladin to protect the area once he took control if the area from the Crusaders.  The Castle was remarkably intact, and we hired a guide who explained not only the different parts of the castle but also the history of the castle. He was very enthusiastic since his ancestors had lived at the castle. Like all the other castles, it had amazing views of the surrounding area.

Ajloun Castle 


Next we drove to Umm Qays to the area known in the Roman times as Gadara. We ate lunch overlooking Syria, The Sea of Tiberius (AKA Sea of Galilee), and Golan Heights.  Then we walked around for a while. It was interesting and well preserved.  

We drove back to the family just in time to go with them to nearby Hallabat Castle from Umayyad period in the 8th century.  They were all very happy to see us again, and the castle, while small, was fun to visit with our friends. 

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