15 September 2021

Jordan: Wednesday, September 15

 After breakfast our entire group--at least 40 people --left for Jerash. Jerash (Gerasa) was one of the ten Roman cities known as the Decapolis most of which are in Jordan.   Jerash is amazingly large and well preserved.  

Roman roads had had a main east/west road which intersected a main north/south road in the middle


Byzantine mosaic of Alexandria


Roman temple--the roof had moonstone in it  which allowed light in


there were a lot of columns everywhere

city entrance:

part of our group

One of the aunts cooked a special dinner for us, beans and tomatoes from the garden. Since we're vegetarian,  we've been eating rice and potatoes and bread for supper, so this was a really nice change. The restaurants all have a wide variety of salads and hummus/baba ghanoush which works well for us. But feeding a large group of people where meat is a symbol of showing importance means that we had rice with meat most of the time with potatoes/meat otherwise.
Our Veggie Dinner

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