Tuesday: talked to Christian in morning at vineyard who showed Stephen their special tractors built for the vineyard, engine low in front and hinged in the middle.
Drove to Graz, saw glockenspiel, Louisa loved the glockenspiel.

walked up to top of Castle Hill (on the ramp since the kids were in the stroller) over 1,500 ft higher than the base. It has a demolished fortress, a clock tower, and great view of Graz.

Heard a group playing the flute, harp, and accordion L liked the accordion
We ate at a restaurant specializing in Styrian food at the top -I had a really interesting salad-potato salad and coleslaw on the bottom, kafer beans on top and then lettuce and tomato with a kern (pumpkin) oil dressing.

Took stairs back down with Greta and then had ice cream and walked around city a bit more. (everyone else rode the funicular down)
Then drove on to visit Katja, another second cousin. We had tea there. While the kids and grandkids stayed with her Almuth and Fritz met us there, I went back with them to Obdach, approx one hour away on otherside of mountain.. We went for walk, stopped at farm, bought fresh yogurt
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