28 September 2011

Wednesday, September 28, 2011: Part II: Lunch and Panjiayuan Exhibition Hall

We met Andrew outside the Pearl Market.  Along the side of the street were several youngish men begging, all of whom had been badly wounded at some point and were missing appendages.  We ate at a nearby restaurant where a highlight was the aquarium with live fish where people picked out their own fish which was then cooked and served to them with the head being the delicacy.   We discussed the fact that one difference between Chinese people and American people is that the Chinese like to see all of what they are eating while the Americans tend to want their meat disguised.

We did not have the fish: Andrew understood American taste well.  

A typical sidewalk, much wider than an American sidewalk because there was so much more pedestrian/bike traffic.

After lunch we went to the Panjiayuan Exhibition Hall
Hundreds of bikes were lined up outside the exhibition hall.

This is Mrs. Lion with her head on the baby cub.  Mr. Lion was on the other side of the door, but I didn't get a picture of him.

The Panjiayuan Exhibition Hall was full of small booths selling all kinds of objects

with more permanent stores containing more expensive items along the edge.

One of the things I bought was a piece of embroidery which we are looking at here.

An antique shop along the edge. Chances are that they are all replicas. We didn't look close enough to see.

The wood carvings were amazing.

This antique (or replica) is really cool. Note my embroidery being used as a belt.

Statuary.  Note Mr. and Mrs. Lion on the left.

The trash hauler.

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