26 September 2011

Monday, September 26: Part II: Silk Street and Pearl Market

After we left Forbidden City we made our way along the north side towards the bus station where we too a bus to the subway station.
View along a less main road

There were a lot of instructional signs in the subway. The following is a pretty traditional one.
Sign by elevator
"Take care of Your Children"
"Watch your Foot"
"Stand on Right"
"No Cargo"

Other places had no spitting signs although we still saw a lot of spittoons.

This was the most interesting train we saw: most of the subway trains were plain.
We did some shopping at Pearl Market, mostly for a shawl for the upcoming wedding.

We had lunch at the food court

These lions guarded an entrance to a building on our way back to the hotel.
Mr. Lion has his paw on a ball symbolizing power

Mrs. Lion has her paw on a baby symbolizing her nurturing

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