05 June 2011

Germany Trip.

My dd and I are planning to go to Germany in July. We will be staying with friends or relatives most of the time--all but 6 days--and traveling mostly by train. I will be jotting down my trip notes here when I get access to the internet. Here is our rough itinerary:

1 July: Travel Day
2,3 July: Dusseldorf
4 July : Travel Day: Wittenberg
5,6 July: Berlin (Tuesday: overview, Wednesday: connections to communism)
7 July: Travel day
8,9,10 July: Wroclaw, Poland
11 July: Zittau
12, 13 July, Eisenach
14 July: Kassel, Heidelberg (mostly Kassel since the water exhibition doesn't start until 2:30 p.m.)
15, 16, 17 July: Lobbach (near Stuttgart)
18 July: Rhein, Köln
19 July: Wiedenest
20,21 July: Dusseldorf
22 July: Flyhome